Sunday, February 12, 2006

Chapter 20 - Flea Bitten Again

Another bad day at the Flamingo Island, Bonita Springs Flea Market. We had such hopes for this one. Fri. Sat. Sun. Having heard such magnificent things about it from other vendors at Fleamasters but it is just a shlub show. Still managed to make 40 bucks, one twenty dollar purchase of a chip crusted hostess set going to another vendor. And they are mostly very nice people, if a little odd at times. Top highlights of the day to report:* A woman came frantically at me asking just as frantically if I knew where the bio-freeze person was. I said I did not. Thought she was just crazy and thought she was dying and thought somebody at the flea could cryonically freeze her body. Why not, they do just about everything else at these things. Later I passed a small aisle space like mine that advertized as such, some kind of pain cream.

Another vendor, a woman in her fifties, once a cupcake, now with enhanced frosting going, came down to M's booth next to me and said she had taken naked pictures of herself and she was going to show them to T, the vendor at the end.

We are going to try to gear up for the Wednesday show in Cape Coral and then maybe get a place in Jacksonville and try Ruby Lane, an online jewelry store. If it is a phenomenal show we will stay on the road doing them. This is extremely hard on us both though and it is nearly impossible to get any real work done. Today J got us lined up for some big, good, top twenty art shows though, so coming up with the fees will be the main problem since jurying in shouldn't be that hard, as whacked out as some of our stuff is. They will jury you in if your stuff is very different from the pack and looks appealing. It has to look like it won't sell, as J said recently. I can do that quite successfully, although even my most out there stuff sold at Bell Tower. The thing I really want to do, for Cape Coral, is take cement mix and mix that with some of the white beach sand around here and dye it different colors, break it up and use it for beads and belts. Nobody doing that as far as I know.

Still no word from the editor of New Times. He probably read my email and hit the delete button by the second snort. None of these "alternative" newspapers ever really take a chance, although they think they do. Just following a well worn format. Don't offend the advertisors for fuck's sakes!! I suppose they are just worrying about their jobs, in this time of open season on any journalist with a half a sack.
Although I thought maybe, since I read some pretty gutsy reporting by one of the reporters in said pub.

Gotta go make jewelry.